Friday, April 17, 2009


I am falling behind on my posts. Last Sunday, Easter, we drove to the Rhine river valley and wine country. We stopped at Bacharach to eat. This was Bailey's first and probably last dining adventure. She barked at the other dogs. German dogs have better matters and do not bark back so the patrons seemed annoyed. The line for the river cruise was too long and we were afraid that Bailey might get thrown overboard so we drove to Koblenz.

Post comments so we will know you are following us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindy, Sorry you missed the cruise but I imagine the drive was beautiful. Koblenz certainly is! I can't believe what an amazing view you have from where ya'll are staying. Looking forward to hearing more about your sights and experiences. When you said you will be working with 21 year olds I thought WOW they are so young. But you are used to working with kids so you may have the opposite reaction. Blessings!
